New Website Launch for the Cal Poly Humboldt Natural History Museum
The Cal Poly Humboldt Natural History Museum has a new look to our online presence! Thank you to Cal Poly Humboldt Marketing & Communications Web Team for working with the museum to create our new site.
The Cal Poly Humboldt Marking and Communications Web Team worked closely with the museum Director Julie Van Sickle to re-imagine and create the new website for the Cal Poly Humboldt Natural History Museum (NHM). Student assistant, Charles Castillo also played a very significant role in the migration of our website by offering ideas in brainstorming and planning meetings and spending countless hours transitioning images and captioning from our old website to our new one and assisting the Cal Poly Humboldt Marketing and Communications Web Team in the overall migration process. This student assistant position was part of the work of the California State University Graduation Initiative 2025.
The largest consideration in developing a new website for the NHM was how to preserve and enhance our online exhibits, especially our Life Through Time. Thank you Cal Poly Humboldt Marketing and Communications Web Team for coming up with such an eloquent solution, to Charles for assisting with the transition and to Dr. Richard Paselk for his advising and most importantly for creating the original version of this online exhibit (and many others).
Our new website not only brings a new look, but also greatly increased functionality. We look forward to being able to share new content more frequently with all of our visitors both in person and online!