The Natural History Museum partners with academic programs across Cal Poly Humboldt to offer a variety of internships giving an opportunity for students to develop, practice, and apply knowledge and skills they are learning in their field of study in a community setting.
NHM staff works with Cal Poly Humboldt faculty and students to design internship experiences that meet the needs of our students and add to the richness of our museum and community. Some internships are part of a class project while others are individual capstone projects for a major, while others are a specific internship class with the museum.
Internship list by Year
Matt Aung
Major: Art
Type of internship: Gallery Studies
Jenni Bunnell
Major: Liberal Studies Elementary Education
Type of internship: Education
Leslie Burkhart
Major: Environmental Science and Management: Environmental Education & Interpretation
Type of internship: Education
Sophie Burns
Major: Environmental Science and Management
Type of internship: Education (Second)
Tania Flores
Major: Wildlife
Type of internship: Education
Kaylin Jebaili
Major: Environmental Science and Management
Type of internship: Education (Second)
Ania Mijares
Major: Environmental Science and Management
Type of internship: Education
Louie Penick
Major: Environmental Science and Management
Type of internship: Education (Second)
Melissa Torres
Major: Biology (Marine)
Type of internship: Education
Aaron Zito
Major: Environmental Science and Management: Natural Resources Recreation
Type of internship: Education
Drew Brown
Major: Cellular and Molecular Biology
Type of internship: Education
Sophie Burns
Major: Environmental Science and Management: Environmental Education & Interpretation
Type of internship: Education
Ciara Craig
Major: Art
Type of internship: Gallery Studies
Projects: Hadrosaurus Mural
Amber Elving
Major: Wildlife
Type of internship: Education
Alex Givens
Major: Environmental Science and Management: Environmental Education & Interpretation
Type of internship: Education
Jordyn Lamb
Major: Environmental Science and Management: Environmental Education & Interpretation
Type of internship: Education
Louie Penick
Major: Geography & Environmental Studies
Type of internship: Education
Chloe Pieper-Wasem
Major: Environmental Science and Management: Ecological Restoration
Type of internship: Education
Danele Quijas
Major: Biology
Type of internship: Education
Sierra Salazar-Mulrooney
Major: Environmental Science and Management: Environmental Education & Interpretation
Type of internship: Education
Mariah Tofanelli
Major: Environmental Science and Management: Environmental Education & Interpretation
Type of internship: Education
Griselda Valdez
Major: Environmental Science and Management
Type of internship: Education
Whitney Vickers
Major: Wildlife: Conservation Biology/Applied Vertebrate Ecology
Type of internship: Education
Kanan Beissert
Major: Environmental Science and Management & Art History
Type of internship: Gallery Studies
Projects: Development of educational materials on renewable resources and research and development for NHM integrated Carbon exhibit
Mia Blaine
Major: Environmental Science and Management
Type of internship: Education Internship
Projects: Open Wide Virtual School Visits and development and presentation for materials for dino days and Asteroids to Ammonites After School Program Online
Jami Henry
Major: Environment and Community
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Virtual Visit Development: Carbon Program
Kaylin Jebaili
Major: Environmental Science and Management
Type of internship: Education Internship
Projects: Where's the Carbon Virtual School Visits and development and presentation for materials for dino days and Asteroids to Ammonites After School Program Online
Mo Jones (Second Internship)
Major: Biology Education and Botany
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Virtual Visit Development: Carbon Program
Samantha Nayeli Mariscal
Major: Wildlife Conservation
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Virtual Visit Development: Carbon Program
Emily Ortzow (Second Internship)
Major: Environmental Science & Management: Education and Interpretation
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Virtual Visit Development: Carbon Program
Teadja Owings
Major: Art History
Type of internship: Gallery Studies
Projects: Researching prehistory tools and tool use and drawing scenes in which these tools would have been used. The scenes created will be used as activity cards as part of the NHM Prehistory Teaching Box.
Kenyan Pappe
Major: Biology Education
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Virtual Visit Development: Energy Program
Amelia Shaw
Major: Art History
Type of internship: Education Internship
Projects: Open Wide Virtual School Visits and development and presentation for materials for dino days and Asteroids to Ammonites After School Program Online
Haley Skinner
Major: Liberal Studies Elementary Education
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Virtual Visit Development: Energy Program
Evan Smith
Major: Biology - Science Education
Type of internship: Education Internship
Projects: Where's the Carbon Virtual School Visits and development and presentation for materials for dino days and Asteroids to Ammonites After School Program Online
Juliana Artemov
Major: Art
Type of internship: Gallery Studies
Projects: redwood forest illustration, local birds illustrations, website materials (graphics and written)
Anisa Benamira-Dod
Major: Communication
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Virtual Visit Development
Alexis Campos
Major: Art
Type of internship: Gallery Studies
Projects: Scientific Illustration and Cartoons of puzzle piece characters
Jackie Cullen
Major: Environmental Science & Management: Education and Interpretation
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Virtual Visit Development
Consuelo Diaz
Major: Wildlife
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Short animal videos
Haley Fedalizo
Major: LSEE
Type of internship: Education
Heather Hollingsworth
Major: Oceanography
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Virtual Visit Development
Lesaya Howard
Major: LSEE
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Pre/post visit activities for second grade mineral program
Mo Jones
Major: Biology Education and Botany
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Virtual Visit Development
Clairissa Keesey
Major: Art
Type of internship: Gallery Studies
Projects: New exhbit development: Climate Wall mural
Christi Nash
Major: ESM - environment and community
Type of internship: Education and Religious Studies
Projects: Pre/post visit activities for redwood ecology programs; Added to Fur Teaching Box lesson on human relationships with non-human animals centered this around local indigenous groups (especially the Yurok people).
Emily Ortzow
Major: Environmental Science & Management: Education and Interpretation
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Virtual Visit Development
Rachel Ostrander
Major: Environmental Science & Management: Eco Resto
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Virtual Visit Development
Casey Ostroff
Major: Wildlife
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Pre/ post visit climate science curriclum development for 6th grade
Edward Robinson
Major: Biology - science education
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Science support for students during remote learning
Greta Wassersleben (second internship)
Major: Environmental Science & Management
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Virtual Visit Development
Greta Wasserslenben
Major: ESM - environmental education & interp
Type of internship: Education
Projects: Pre/post visit activities for kindergarden students
Sarah Aldridge
Major: Liberal Studies Elemenary Education
Type of internship: Education
Mia Arnold
Major: ESM - ecological restoration
Type of internship: Education
Jennifer Ayala
Major: Environmental Science Management
Type of internship: ESM Advanced Interp
Projects: Eat or Be Eaten Display
Benton Bell
Major: Biology - science education
Type of internship: Education
Teresa Boatman
Major: Environmental Science Management
Type of internship: ESM Advanced Interp
Projects: Devonian Podcast
Dylan Carr
Major: Environmental Science Management
Type of internship: ESM Advanced Interp
Projects: Devonian Podcast
Sophia Drewelow
Major: Environmental Science and Management
Type of internship: ESM Advanced Interp
Projects: Our Blue Planet
Sarah Duffy
Major: Environmental Science Management
Type of internship: ESM Advanced Interp
Projects: Our Blue Planet
Cayla Eggemeyer
Major: Environmental Science Management
Type of internship: ESM Advanced Interp
Projects: Our Blue Planet
Ericka Estrada
Major: Biology - science education
Type of internship: Education
Travis Farwell
Major: Wildlife
Type of internship: Education
Baylor Green
Major: Anthropology
Type of internship: Applied Anthropology
Ember Hendershot
Major: Environmental Science Management
Type of internship: ESM Advanced Interp
Projects: Devonian Podcast
Abigail Lowell
Major: ESM - environmental education & interpretation
Type of internship: Education
Abigail Lowell
Major: Environmental Science Management
Type of internship: ESM Advanced Interp
Projects: Eat or Be Eaten Display
Frankie Lujan
Major: Art
Type of internship: Gallery Studies
Dora Maldonado Zaval
Major: Anthropology
Type of internship: Applied Anthropology
Andres Martinez
Type of internship: Education
Nicole Mullen
Major: Liberal Studies Elemenary Education
Type of internship: Education
Logan Naylor
Major: Art
Type of internship: Gallery Studies
Casey Ostroff
Major: Wildlife
Type of internship: Education
Codi Remington
Major: Environmental Science Management
Type of internship: ESM Senior Capstone
Caroline Ristuccia
Major: Wildlife
Type of internship: Education
Vanessa Sanchez
Major: Psychology
Type of internship: Education
Salina Smith
Major: Biology
Type of internship: Education
Darren Stapp
Major: Environmental Science Management
Type of internship: ESM Advanced Interp
Projects: Dinosaurs Among Us
Haley Walker
Major: Environmental Science Management
Type of internship: ESM Advanced Interp
Projects: Our Blue Planet
Molly Wilson
Major: ESM: Environmental Education and Interpretation
Type of internship: Education
Samantha Winiecki Love
Major: Environmental Science Management
Type of internship: ESM Advanced Interp
Projects: Eat or Be Eaten Display
Grace Blacker
Major: Biology - cell/molecular
Type of internship: Education
Zoey Buitrago
Type of internship: English/Writing
Katelyn Colgrove
Major: Geology
Type of internship: GeoSci Capstone
Isabelle Cristescu
Major: Geology
Type of internship: Education
Alicia DaSilveira
Major: Liberal Studies Elemenary Education
Type of internship: Education
Carlos Dervis
Major: Biology
Type of internship: Education
Droh Droh
Major: Art
Type of internship: Gallery Studies
Kerra Duignan
Major: Liberal Studies Elemenary Education
Type of internship: Education
Katelyn Fahey
Major: Liberal Studies Elemenary Education
Type of internship: Education
Jasmin Godinez
Major: Liberal Studies Elemenary Education
Type of internship: Education
Tyler Green
Major: Geology
Type of internship: GeoSci Capstone
Sean Hartman
Major: Geology
Type of internship: GeoSci Capstone
Jesse Hinton
Major: Geology
Type of internship: GeoSci Capstone
Adam Jacino
Major: Geology
Type of internship: GeoSci Capstone
Kirsten Kennedy
Major: Geology
Type of internship: GeoSci Capstone
Alexis Klingler
Major: Geology
Type of internship: GeoSci Capstone
Tina Llopis
Major: Liberal Studies Elemenary Education
Type of internship: Education
Trevor McBroom
Major: Geology
Type of internship: GeoSci Capstone
Hunter Norman
Type of internship: English/Writing
Alexandro Ochoa
Major: Biology - science education
Type of internship: Education
Carli Palmerin
Major: Botany
Type of internship: Education
Saeng Pharn
Major: Art
Type of internship: Gallery Studies
Tammy Phrakonkham
Major: Geology
Type of internship: GeoSci Capstone
Emily Pinto
Major: Biology - science eduction
Type of internship: Education